Trivitron Healthcare Pvt. Ltd.
Trivitron Healthcare Pvt. Ltd.
Abiramapuram, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
GST No. 33AAACT9378H1Z1
08048968632 80% Response Rate
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Awards & Memberships

Awards and Achievements

Awards and Achievements

Trivitron Healthcare awarded as The “Most Promising Company of the Year in Medical Devices" at 12th MT India Healthcare Awards 2022

Trivitron Healthcare, one of the leading and the top medical technology company has won the award for "Most Promising Company of The Year in Medical Devices" at the 12th MT India Healthcare Awards 2022. The MT India Healthcare Awards recognize the top companies, people, platforms, and products in the health, fitness, and medical technology industries. Trivitron was recognized for its quality products and state-of-the-art medical devices.

The products and services Trivitron provides are an integral part of people’s lives. Trivitron with its smart interventions, advanced market analysis, research & development projects, and business strategies, always focuses on and contributes towards innovation that improves the quality of life of end-users. Gaining the confidence of the customers and emphasizing safety and assurance to customers as well as employees is our maxim. With this zeal to do better and best every day, Trivitron commits to its mission, goals, core competencies, and beliefs to build a healthy and evolving environment that promotes growth and success.